December 1 2020, writing as a habit

In reality, I have no confidence in writing. The reason why I share my blog is to share my quotes and expression on motivating to live life to the fullest.

I made 3 decision to myself. This gives me a flexible option to choose. I hope you can read my blog post in the future. Topic such as quote, calligraphy, art materials, apply what I learn thru documentation and so forth.

Decision # 1: Post blog everyday

I’ll try to write a habit. There’s room for improvement. I can write, so can you. Believe in yourself.

Decision # 2: Post blog from Monday, Wednesday and Friday

I have no idea what to write. Taking baby step is okay. Every other day is good. Online Fatigue is a health trend right now. At least, I can create content better. Please comment down below if you have ideas that I can write about.

Decision # 3: Post blog every week or every other week

Weekly blog is good to write my documentation for my weekly calligraphy quotes. I can share my grateful post. I can share what I learn from youtube tutorial. I can share my journey on a road to become a teacher.

Take care of your mental health and emotional health. Thank you for reading my post. Share your thoughts below. 🙂

Opinion on dealing with stress and ways to make life fun

According to Cambridge Dictionary, Stress means great worry by a difficult situation. The question is, How do you deal with stress? Yesterday, I published a quote photo of one way to deal with stress.

“Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into
a positive one.” – Hans Selye

You have your own methods of dealing with stress. You seek advice help from people or professional people. I published this blog articles as an opinion and research on ways to deal with stress for physical, mental and emotional stress.

  1. Dealing with Physical Stress

The common answer is dealing with time management skills and taking care of your food intake. You are to make a choice each day. A choice that can help you or distract you. Yoga meditation is a way to release physical stress. You inhale positive vibes and exhale the negative vibes you’re experiencing.

2. Dealing with Mental Stress

Mental Health is a big issue throughout the local and abroad. When you have a problem, it’s better to talk to someone who is trustworthy. Don’t be afraid to seek help from counseling and therapy. You can have activities such as jogging, cooking or writing to help you express your frustration and feelings inside you. Think before you act is hard. Try to practice good habits, you lessen your mental stress. Take one step at a time. Don’t be in a hurry. You can accomplish your task at your own time.

3. Dealing with Emotional Stress

Express your emotion thru writing, drawing, painting or doing sports. Try an activity to release your emotional stress. Baking a bread can help you lessen the emotional burden. After baking the bread, the hot bread is delicious. You overcome your obstacle. You can achieve your goal and dream. When you stop in the middle, continue again. You will eventually reach the top of the mountain. You are the creator. You are the storytelling. You write your own path. You’re not afraid to take the courage to overcome the stress. You have the attitude to be outstanding, like Kung Fu Panda.

Above all, you can read and explore ways to deal with stress. With your right attitude, you can turn your stress into a positive experience.


Stress dictionary:

@mqtcalligraphy FB Page:

@mqtcalligraphy Instagram Page:

To used second hand color jumbo pen

I remember there was a video post about calligraphy materials. The materials can be seen inside the house. Ordinary materials that doesn’t have to be branded and fancy. Whether the materials is crayola or pentel pen, you’re good to go.

In my case, I saw some colourful jumbo pens, which is called “Faber Castell Jumbo Connector Pen.”

My relative did not used this pens anymore. So, I picked this Jumbo Pens and write quotes that I like. The more I write, the more I get better. As you can see from this picture.

Lastly, using jumbo pen is good for writing experiment and drawing. Then, save my money from buying new calligraphy materials.

MQTC blog for January 14 2019

I’m grateful that I post 3 blogs last week. This is my first time doing that.

For 2019, I’m focusing in writing. There are stories to tell. Self improvement and education is nice. Learning can be fun when there’s no pressure.

If you remember my precious blog, I wrote quotes to apply them in real life. Maybe someday, maybe now.

In 2018, I only remember applying what I learned thru baking bread. Bread takes time, energy and strength. The reward is fulfilling when the oven is done.

I’ve done my baby steps. 3 blogs. My goal is to write more blogs in the future. My current mindset is think today, not tomorrow. The process is important. That result gives a satisfying job well done.

Futhermore, I’ll continue to explore the world of writing.

Better do something than New Year Resolution

The last quote photo I published was on November 14, 2018. Later on, I resume my quotes photos on January 2, 2018, which written as…

After many years, doing new years resolution doesn’t work at all. I just post my photo for a day just for fun. I keep posting quote photos everyday ever since. One time, I post a photo today. If it’s tomorrow, I don’t think about it. No pressure. No worries.

There are times, I don’t have the motivation to write or post per day. I feel lazy. Then, I remember something. When i write, I feel calm and shading is fun when there’s colors.

Currently, I’ll use color pens. I need to buy a good quality paper for my brush pen. I learning a new font takes time and energy.

So, I’ll do things one step at a time. Whether I post photos everyday or sometimes, I’ll continue to write for inspiration.

Calligraphy Materials I used in January 2019

I currently use Pen and Paper. That’s it. What does this mean? As the saying goes, a picture worth a thousand words.

First, I used coloured pen. I bought the cheapest reusable pack. So I switched one coloured pen to another.

Second, I used premium paper. This paper is rarely used. When I have time, I used the paper to write calligraphy or make some artworks. Combine Coloured Pen and Premium Paper gives a colourful calligraphy quotes. Doing Faux Calligraphy takes time, patience and perseverance.

Hopefully, I can buy some calligraphy materials in the future for self improvement.

First Blog in 2019, ALL about practice writing font

Hello Everyone!

Today is January 7. It’s been many days since New Year. The reason why I’m writing today because I’m practicing my writing. Writing is an everyday consistency skills. Today, I will share with you what I learned about Faux Calligraphy.

Since 2015, I slowly searched for one font to practice. There are fancy and beautiful fonts I cannot write. Currently, I don’t have a budget to buy some calligraphy materials.

I just used what i currently have. I’m saving money to some more calligraphy materials in the future.

I practiced Faux Calligraphy.

Calligraphy is used only pen and paper. That’s it. You see this font i used in the past few days. I made the quote colourful with each words. Faux calligraphy is simple to do.

First, I wrote in handwriting script. Second, create line between each letter. Lastly, the hardest part is shade. I can do one quote in faux calligraphy, once a day.

Shading for me is hassle. This takes patience in writing process. But the result is colourful to look at.

Eventually, I will master Faux Calligraphy and learn the next new font.

Calligraphy: Discipline Theme of the Week

For this week, I post a photo about Discipline.

“Once you have commitment, you need the discipline and hard work to get you there.” – Haile Gebrselassie

For me, I try to master discipline in small ways. For example waking up early in the morning. That’s the start. To make my wake up discipline work, I do theory and action.

Theory by write quotes, and read ebook. I write the quote thru colourful pens. There’s a visual impact to remember the quote.  By the way, I’m a fan of ebook. Easy to read. Plus the audiobook is better. I believe discipline comes from planning and crucial decision. It does not mean i have to literally find discipline book. So, I chose an ebook called,

59 Seconds: Think a Little, Change a Lot

This 59 seconds ebook is crucial. Each decision has good and bad consequences. I purchase the ebook around 2.99 dollars and the audiobook is somewhere 4 dollars.

Almost 7 dollars. Reading ebooks is an investment. Especially I move around a lot. Books is okay. But there’s weight in bag. Ebooks is good on the go. I noticed I finish an ebook when there’s an audiobook.

Then. my action is priorities at least 3 things for today. Go out, write and paint.

I’ll post in my next blog about my ebook review about 59 seconds ebook.

Overall, I’m excited to read ebook and post some quote pictures in the future.


Learn from Defeat is a lesson

“If you learn from defeat, you haven’t really lost.” By Zig Ziglar

The road to amateur road to calligraphy expert is long. This time I tried to write quotes by script and adding colors to each words. Before, I noticed colors are fun to look at. Pleasant to see and uplift my sour mood Sometimes, I prefer to color ny artworks than use black colors.

One time, I saw an episode where a guy draws simple house picture using red crayons. He said “draw like you’re having fun. No criticism. No Biased. Draw like you appreciate art.”

This show is good. But I forgot what’s the name of the show.

Anyways, art is fun. Sometimes, I succeed. Sometimes, I failed. Failure is a feedback that I can improve next time. For example, I didn’t post quote photos everyday. I post quote photos whenever i feel like it. For me, art is not for rush. There are times, I don’t feel motivated at all. Just want to be lazy after experiencing hard work and stress. But there are times, I’m motivated to improve myself.

For me, I like the way a person writes a beautiful script. I see this during events like weddings, birthdays and invitation cards.

So, I’ll continue to improve my calligraphy.

Why the Secret of Change is not easy?

When there’s a problem that I don’t want to handle, I prefer to go back to comfort zone. Comfort zone seems safe and warm. But staying there too much can make me mushy like mash potato. So I’ve done some activity that relates the secret of change.

A quote by Socrates

-Practice Gratitude
People say practice gratitude every day can make you a better person. It’s true. I tried this 28 days straight. I feel a bit better about myself. For now, I practice gratitude sometimes. I prefer to write a gratitude using a notebook because it’s different to write than typing.
-One activity that I do every weekends
In a world full of buildings and smoke, especially singles are not allowed in EDSA. I craved for fun and entertainment. I took some time to take a photo of animals especially goats. Other animals are good, but… The cats like to run away. The dogs are approaching me to the point I need more practice in animal photography. (P.S I’ll post some goat photos here in fb page and ig soon)
-One Continuous Project
Before I took a short course in baking. 7 days. Almost every Saturday. Right now, I’m still a newbie in baking. My current project is making a loaf of bread. Why? I don’t know what baking recipe I can do every week. I cannot make a cake. That’s not practical. So why not bread loaf. Bread loaf is a common snack to eat. I’ll post my bread loaf journey blog in the future.
Lastly, building something new takes time. Go for it. Just take Action.
(P.S If you’re interested with my written quotes, you can like my facebook page and follow me on instagram #mqtc. I post my written quotes almost everyday. )
(P.S.S When I write some quotes, I learned some of the authors behind those quotes. Socrates is a philosopher. Since Socrates is influencer, his teachings were wide spread. One of them is called, Stoicism. Stoicism is more of overcoming hardship without complaint. The ebook is called, Stoicism: A Detailed Breakdown of Stoicism Philosophy and Wisdom from the Greats: A Complete Guide To Stoicism
This ebook is one of my wish list. Since it has audiobook. Sometimes Philosophy sounds boring but there’s some teachings that can apply in real life. Like learn how to think.)